Ian Breeze generously donated two passes to our organization for Canada’s Wonderland to be used by one of our Matches. We asked our matches to ‘tell us more’ about their match!

Below is what Kaitlyn and Skylar had to say about their match!

Dear Big Brothers Big Sisters,

Skylar and I have been together as a match for just a little over a year. Throughout our match, we have learnt a lot not just about one another, but about ourselves. Skylar and I took the time to brainstorm some of the things that we have learnt together over the past year and what being a part of big brothers big sisters means to us. Here are some things that we would like to share with you.

Together, Skylar and I have both learnt the importance of being a positive influence on someone else. For example, since day one, I have always told Skylar that she can do anything her heart desires. At first, Skylar would often say that she can’t spell, she can’t cook, and she can’t do the monkey bars by herself. I would (and still do) remind her every time she says the word can’t that she can do anything her heart desires. Eventually, Skylar began repeating back to me “I can do anything my heart desires” almost every visit we had together. As time passed, Skylar learnt that she could spell, cook, and do the monkey bars all by herself. By challenging and encouraging her, I believe that she saw the strengths that I did in her, within herself. To me, this example illustrates what being a big sister is all about. Providing encouragement, support, and just the right amount of challenge when children like Skylar are struggling to see their own strengths. Also, how much of an impact a big can have on a little – I feel that Skylar looks up to me. For this reason alone, I think that it is my responsibility to endlessly remind her that she can achieve anything she wants (it might take a bit of work, but you will get there).

Skylar and I have also learnt that it is important to take time to listen, be kind, and share how you feel with one another. Whether it be good, or not so good, we feel that it is always important to be honest with one another. While writing this together, I asked Skylar, what are some things that you have learnt throughout our match? She said to me “well, you are nice to your mom and your dad, and to me, so I am nice too”. I think that our match has enabled us both to recognize that you get what you give – if you are kind, you get kindness in return!

I promised Skylar that this summer, we would go to Canada’s Wonderland (prior to hearing about the opportunity to get two free tickets). I still intend to keep that promise whether we win the draw or not because I made that promise to Skylar and she has never been to Wonderland before. Both Skylar and I agree that being matched through big brothers big sisters and having the opportunity to spend one on one time together is more than we could ask for and that winning a free trip to wonderland would just be an added bonus for us.


Skylar and Kaitlyn

June 2016